Getting a handle on Learning Multiple Programming Languages and Overcasting the Myths!

Does it happen many a time that learning more than one programming skill at the same time becomes essential? It might have happened with most of us. The ever increasing technology and the constant developments in increasing user interface and user experience, more and more programming paradigms are created. Thus, the need to learn multiple skills

A broad vista towards programming – can we make it simpler?

More often I come across individuals who precept programming as a difficult paradigm. This stimulated me to think about the reasons why programming seems to be difficult and also so different to many other professions? Additionally, to what scope it’s possible to simplify and quicken the process? I thought profoundly on this topic, read relevant

A pertinent explanation to Internet of Things and what makes it interesting?

It was the International Conference on Colossal Data Analysis and Networking held at Indore, India in March 2016. I was presenting my first research paper, on the Sensor Data Computing as a Service in Internet of Things. An audience of international scholars and computer scientists sat in front of me, patiently waiting to hear what I